Rooms, plans and constructed shapes

Conference with Jean-Christophe Quinton (architect, director of ÉNSA Versailles)

      As part of the solo exhibition by French architect Jean-Christophe Quinton entitled “The otherness of the rooms and the promise of the forms”, we invite you to a conference!
         —     Conference



‘How can architecture’s own resources be used to alleviate the complexity of situations? How can form, plan, rooms and materials be deduced in a specific and original way for each project?
This questioning gives rise to an architectural strangeness that is both situated and autonomous. Architecture then becomes an immediate experience that helps us to be better in the world, to be better to others and to be better to ourselves.
– Jean-Christophe Quinton, architect

This conference is part of the exhibition Jean-Christohe Quinton, organised by the luca – Luxembourg centre for architecture, with the support of Institut français du Luxembourg and the Association Victor Hugo.

Friday 20 September
6.30 pm
luca – Luxembourg center for architecture
free admission – booking required
         —     Jean-Christophe Quinton



Jean-Christophe Quinton, born in 1972, graduated from Ecole Paris-Belleville in 2000. He set up his own practice in 2003. In 2004, he won the Nouveaux Albums des Jeunes Architectes prize, and was mentioned in the Chernikov Prize in 2010. He also teaches at various schools of architecture, and since 2015 has been head of the École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Versailles. The monograph of his work Vers l’immédiate étrangeté des formes was awarded the Grand prix du livre d’architecture de la Ville de Briey in 2017. He has been a full member of the Académie d’Architecture since 2019.

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