Visit of the Cité internationale de la langue française


         —     Visit



At the invitation of the French Embassy’s Department of Cooperation and Cultural Action, the Minister for Culture, Eric Thill, visited the Cité internationale de la langue française on 18 June in Villers-Cotterêts for an exchange with the management of the Cité and the curator of the exhibition, Barbara Cassin. Eric Thill was received by Paul de Sinety, General Delegate for the French Language and the Languages of France at the Ministry of Culture, and Paul Rondin, Director of the Cité.

In his speech, the Minister for Culture, Eric Thill, was impressed by the Cité’s immersive experience and creative approach: “Today’s visit has reinforced our desire to design a permanent exhibition on the Luxembourg language and Luxembourg’s unique linguistic situation, its history and its future, inviting visitors of all ages to explore our living heritage and appreciate its importance to our society.”

         —     Villers-Cotterêts



The historic château is a symbolic place for the French language, since it was here that François I signed the famous decree in 1539 making it compulsory to use French instead of Latin in administrative and judicial documents. It has been completely renovated at the request of the French President, to make the Cité internationale de la langue française a living showcase for the French language, a place that invites visitors on a journey through the French language and the Francophonie world.

Institut français du Luxembourg

Tél. : (00352) _46 21 66

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Semaine de la Critique – Cannes 

6 feature film of the 2024 selection

      On 4, 5 & 6 July, the Cinémathèque de la Ville de Luxembourg will be screening a selection of feature films from the Semaine de la Critique 2024 selection.
         —     Semaine de la Critique – Cannes



Since 1962, La Semaine de la Critique, a parallel section of the Cannes Film Festival, has been spotlighting young, emerging film talent. This platform, programmed by members of the Syndicat français de la critique de cinéma, offers short films as well as first and second features.

Since its creation, La Semaine has revealed the work of such renowned filmmakers as Chris Marker, Jacques Audiard, Arnaud Desplechin, François Ozon, Bernardo Bertolucci, Alejandro González Iñárritu, Ken Loach, Andrea Arnold and Wong Kar Wai. The Semaine team is now led by critic Ava Cahen (Le Cercle, FrenchMania, Le Masque et la plume…) and continues to support the emerging voices of world cinema who will be the established directors of tomorrow.

         —     At the Cinémathèque



The Cinémathèque de la Ville de Luxembourg is delighted to announce a three-day partial screening of feature films from the Semaine de la Critique’s 2024 Selection, with an introduction to each film by Ava Cahen General Delegate of the Semaine de la Critique Cannes. At the same time, La Semaine and the Cinémathèque are organising daytime workshops for students and film professionals in Luxembourg.

The revival will offer Luxembourg audiences a unique opportunity to discover Cannes gems just a few weeks after their world premiere on the Croisette.

from Thursday 4 to Saturday 6 July 2024
6 pm & 8.30 pm each day
Cinémathèque de la Ville de Luxembourg
Full price: €3.70 / Reduced price: €2.40
Institut français du Luxembourg

Tél. : (00352) _46 21 66

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Air deJeux 

Show 100 days before the Olympic Games of Paris 2024, by Pérégrin’

      With just 100 days to go until the start of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, we bring you an exciting show that combines dance, song and aerial acrobatics to immerse you in the feelings of a top-level athlete.
         —     Show



When sport meets art…

Doubts, flaws, courage, determination…

Get to the heart of the emotions of the top athlete!

From the Olympic flame to the sacred fire… an explosive encounter between 6 artists.

For nearly an hour, spectators experience the violence of the emotions that a sportsman or woman feels when it’s his or her turn to take part in the competition for which he or she has trained so hard, between doubt, joy, cohesion and determination.

To blend art and sport, the circus artists perform a series of aerial and ground acrobatics, dance and juggling, accompanied by the voice of a singer who tells the athlete’s story.

The programme also features a spotlight on the four additional sports of the Paris Games, and breakdance demonstrations integrated into the show, in a dozen energetic and poignant tableaux based on the values of Olympism. An explosive meeting of 6 artists through aerial, dance, breakdance, juggling, singing and skateboarding.

Are you ready to catch a glimpse of the Olympic flame?

This show is part of the Olympiade Culturelle, Impact 2024, Nouvelles Renaissance(s] !

Wednesday 17 April 2024
8.00 pm
€22 // reduced fee €9

Compagnie Pérégrin’

Duration: 55 minutes

With: Ahmed Samoud, Aurélie Maindive, Gillian Fiteni, Alice Roy, Daniel Saad, Johan Pagnot

Sound & light design: Sylvain Perruche

With the support of DRAC Région Centre Val de Loire, Région Centre Val de Loire, Département du Loiret, Ville de Saint Jean de Braye, ADAMI.

Institut français du Luxembourg

Tél. : (00352) _46 21 66

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Création artistique : intelligence artificielle et les nouveaux paramètres de l’art

Luxembourg Art Week

Artificial intelligence is reshaping the landscape of artistic creation, establishing a dialogue between humans and machines. We invite you to explore this dynamic with the artist aurèce vettier and AI expert Valentin Schmite during an enriching conference and debate.
         —     Conference with Paul Mouginot (Artist and creator of the project aurèce vettier) and Valentin Schmite (AI expert, author, founder of Ask Mona)

                 Location: Art Talks | Language: French



Aurèce vettier uses AI as a creative tool, thus exploring new artistic frontiers. On the other hand, Valentin Schmite, author of “Reflections on the Talking Robot” and founder of the AI startup Ask Mona, examines the intersection of art and technology from a reflective perspective.

The conference will begin with a retrospective on the history of relationships between machines and artists, highlighting how art can catalyze technological innovation. They will then delve into contemporary creation through the lens of generative AI, exploring how this technology can enhance the creative process. To conclude, the discussion will turn to the ethical and legal challenges posed by AI in art. Our speakers will discuss implications regarding intellectual property and the evolution of creativity in this emerging technological context.

         —      Valentin Schmite

Valentin Schmite explores the connections between art and artificial intelligence. He co-founded Ask Mona in 2016 to bring cultural institutions closer to their audiences through technology. Since 2018, he has been teaching a course on AI and culture at Sciences Po. Simultaneously, he contributes to the public discourse as an author. His latest book, “Reflections on the Talking Robot: Conversations with ChatGPT,” represents a unique milestone, delving into the dialogues between humans and machines and highlighting the challenges of this innovative technology.

         —      aurèce vettier

Aurèce vettier, created by Paul Mouginot in 2019, is an artistic project that blends art and technology. The identity of aurèce vettier allows for explorations between the physical realm, where art takes tangible form, and the virtual space of data, enriched by artificial intelligence algorithms. This approach transforms machine-generated elements into raw materials, thus expanding conceptual horizons. Poetry, a central element of his practice, led to an initial collaboration with a machine to publish a book. Continuing to explore generative approaches dating back to the 1950s, aurèce vettier creates works that navigate between the real and the virtual, as exemplified by his series “Potential Herbariums,” merging traditional artistic forms with AI-inspired digital creations.

vendredi 10 novembre 2023

15 h 30

Art Talks 

entrée libre

Institut français du Luxembourg

Tél. : (00352) _46 21 66

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Café Pauline – Installation by Pauline-Rose Dumas

Luxembourg Art Week

The French artist Pauline-Rose Dumas, who took part in the EIB Institute’s Artists Development Programme in 2022/2023, has been commissioned to make new work for the café space at Luxembourg Art Week. Her installation, Café Pauline, continues her research into the combination of wrought-iron sculptures and textile works.
         —     Special projects, Luxembourg Art Week
                 09-12 November 2023



Pauline-Rose Dumas (Paris-1996) is a French textile artist who integrates wrought iron and drawing into her large-scale installations. She graduated with honors from the Beaux-Arts de Paris (2022) and Chelsea College of Arts (London, 2019). In 2022, she took part in the European Investment Bank’s residency program for emerging artists in Luxembourg, under the mentorship of Tatiana Trouvé, at the end of which two sculptures became part of the EIB collection in 2023. 

The artist’s installations always reflect a relationship between the exhibition space and the studio from which they emerge. The deliberately exaggerated dimensions of these motifs and forms open up a more personal dimension specific to the artist: the witnessing of the universe of what is composed and transformed, in the intimacy of the creative process. 

In this space without a picture rail, the sculpture acts as a wall. Here, the installation is the surface that delimits the interior and exterior of Café Pauline, acting as an invitation to pass through to the other side of the works on display. The public is invited to enter a vocabulary of forms that transits from the human scale to the scale of the site’s architecture. Large textile patchworks present motifs that spill out: stains, fluids, imprints, forms that have a hold on the void, that escape control to surprise with their freedom. 

The sculpture of wrought-iron elements is presented here as a form of writing in space, like a line of drawing criss-crossing the pages of gigantic steel notebooks. These free lines that punctuate the installation represent the thread of thought, the power of speech, of what is exchanged in a public place, a café, as well as what is silently annotated in a notebook.

Institut français du Luxembourg

Tél. : (00352) _46 21 66

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Movie screening and discussion: Alaska-Patagonia, the Great Crossing

In the presence of the protagonists

    In collaboration with the Cinémathèque de la Ville de Luxembourg, we invite you on an extraordinary journey with Sophie Planque and Jérémy Vaugeois!
Sophie Planque and Jérémy Vaugeois, a couple with a passion for mountains and geography, set themselves the challenge of cycling 28,743 km across the American Continental Divide over a two-year period. The Continental Divide lies at the heart of the American landmass: the Brooks, the Alaskans, the Rockies, the Sierra Madre and the dreaded Andes.

In search of the soul of the continent, it’s with the people who inhabit these mountains, with the mineral and sedimentary elements, that this couple experience a geography of extremes. More than a bicycle trip film, it’s an ode to geography, to the discovery of detail, to the understanding of relief, to a deep love for our planet.
“It’s a trip for lovers that’s more of a grand odyssey than a peaceful honeymoon. Sophie Planque and Jérémy Vaugeois have embarked on an adventure in XXL format. It’s an adventure full of emotions, memorable encounters and sometimes trying unforeseen events”. (Radio France)
Tuesday 28 November 2023 | 8.30pm
Cinémathèque de la Ville de Luxembourg
France 2021 | Sophie Planque | documentary | French version w/English subtitles | 56’ | digital
Prix du jury, Prix du public, Festival Retours du monde 202
After the screening, meeting with Sophie Planque, director and protagonist, and Jérémy Vaugeois, protagonist, moderated by Maxime Dafri, Director of the Institut français du Luxembourg.
The discussion will be held in French.
Institut français du Luxembourg

Tél. : (00352) _46 21 66

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